A Homeowner’s Guide To Getting Your A/C Ready For Summer

Even though it might be cold today, summer is coming. You may be ready for it, but is your air conditioner ready to take on the task of cooling your home through another long summer? Make sure it’s as ready as it can be by preparing it for the task. If you are too busy or you’re not sure how to do something, give us a call. We’ll make sure your A/C is in top shape and is ready to work for you this year.

Change Your Filter

Sure, you hear this all the time, but you hear it because it’s true. Changing the filter can do a lot to help your A/C run better. When the filter gets dirty, your A/C has to work extra hard to do its job. This means that it experiences extra wear and tear throughout the unit and that the motor may get tired faster. Changing the filter is easy and straightforward and goes far toward extending the longevity of your unit.

Clean Your Condenser Coils

These are located in the A/C unit itself. You know that big box outside your house? That’s it. Take off the side panels or the top panel – whatever is easiest on your unit – and remove any dust or debris that has gathered on the coils inside. This keeps air flowing smoothly through the unit so it can work efficiently all summer long.

Check Your Coolant Lines

These are the lines that run between your home and the air conditioner. They are usually covered with insulating foam or tape. If you see cracks or gaps in that insulation, replace it. That way, the coolant that runs through the lines will stay as cold as possible, making your A/C run as efficiently as possible. You can buy whatever type of insulation you choose at your local hardware store.

Check Your Concrete Slab

Your A/C until should be sitting on a flat concrete slab outside your house. Make sure that slab hasn’t shifted with all of winter’s freezing and cooling. This expands and contracts the ground and can throw the slab off balance. If it’s not flat, your unit won’t run as efficiently. Don’t worry, though. These are usually easy to shift back into place. Pry the slab up with wood or metal, then scoop dirt or rocks under it. Lower it back down and make sure it’s level. Do this as often as necessary to keep it flat.

Inspect The Wiring You Can See

There is wiring between your home and the air conditioning unit. This should be in good condition, without cracks in the plastic coating or any other problems. If something seems off, call in a professional to fix it before you turn on your A/C.

Keeping your air conditioner in great shape isn’t hard. It just takes a few minutes of your time. Once you’ve checked it, you can feel confident turning it on and using it all summer long.

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